We are divine beings having a human experience.

The Subconscious is that divine part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, Infinite Consciousness, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and ability to heal us.

Human Experience
QHHT Experience

It is, in essence, Self-healing that happens in session

It is the part of yourself that is forever connected to the Source/ One-ness that is doing the healing.

everyone’s QHHT® experience is unique

Each person’s spiritual journey is different, worthy, and whole.

You will only perceive things that you are ready to see, and nothing you cannot handle.

We don’t need to have a conscious memory of experiences from the past for them to still affect us today.

Sometimes the things we struggle with in this life are a result of trauma we experienced; cause and effect; and sometimes they are related to challenges we have committed to learn in this life time. Your soul carries imprints which hold wisdom gained from lessons learned in all your past expressions of yourself. Your Subconscious will provide insight into your soul’s particular lessons and purpose, reveal causes, and heal those traumas that are standing in your way and preventing you from stepping into your most authentic self.

QHHT® acknowledges we are already all that we seek, and that love, light, wisdom, happiness, and wholeness are available to us at every moment because they are what we are at our core. And they are waiting for us to let them in. As we humans undergo an exponential transformation and elevation in the collective consciousness, we are also expanding our understanding and recognition of an all-knowing, all-loving spiritual aspect of ourselves.

“Sharon expertly guided me past any fears to a place of transformation that revealed and empowered the real me. Exploring a past life validated my core values and beliefs; I came away feeling relaxed, amazed, buoyant, confident and ready to make the changes I needed to live my full potential.
I’m very, very grateful for Sharon’s gracious generosity of spirit.”


the client is always in control of the session

Sometimes there is mistaken belief that QHHT® is akin to the hypnosis we see portrayed by the media, where people lose all sense of control and act in bizzare ways! However, those techniques are not the same as QHHT® because they do not involve tapping into the source / higher self /or same consciousness as QHHT® ; and the client is always in control of the session, from beginning to end.

The Subconscious (SC) is the divine part of your existence that lovingly observes every aspect about your soul. Our SC Higher Self is eternally connected to the ‘Source’ which has all the records, answers and healing energies. By accessing the very restful ‘theta’ state of consciousness – a state that is very natural to us – which we experience as we drift into sleep and an awakened state, you can delve into your own connection to the Source.

Through QHHT® we can travel through time and space, such as earlier memories or energetic expressions of yourself to gain insight into what you need. We then invite your Subconscious (SC) to engage with us in a way that will assist your soul to heal and answer the deep stirrings/questions of your soul.

This is the purpose of QHHT® so you can consciously become aware how to live your inner true north, align your external world with your internal calling and free yourself from unwanted energies with love and compassion. It is very essential to remain open and trusting of this experience, although you always have free will to choose what you do with the information and answers received. ‘Miracles’ happen all the time with QHHT® , but miracles do not take away the lessons or responsibilities in your own life after your session.

Sharon Ho QHHT Practitioner

Get to know me

My role in your QHHT® session is strictly one of facilitation, although your session with me is often enhanced by my understanding of Eastern philosophies. Last, but not least, your safety and sense of trust and comfort are of my utmost priority; and for this reason, the space for this journey we experience together is sacred and peaceful.

Book Your QHHT® Session With Sharon

Increased spiritual transformation begins with your session.

First Session





Continued Session





New Client




“Prior to my QHHT experience with Sharon, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I’d done a little hypnotherapy before but nothing quite like this.
The whole session took around 3.5 hours and Sharon really took the time to get to know me. We talked about my background, my work and relationships and what questions I wanted to explore and receive guidance for. She made me feel really comfortable and I had no problem sharing my experiences with her.
I was able to tap into stories and inner guidance that helped to shine a light on some areas of my life in such a way that it provided clarity and a higher level of trust in myself.
And, the best part is, this trust and sense of clarity have remained with me for weeks following the session. Highly suggest giving this ago. It’s a great way to connect with yourself and gain more understanding of how you got to where you are and how to get where you want to go.”


Quantum healing Hypnosis Technique FAQ

QHHT® stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. It was founded and perfected across 40 years by the well-known hypnotherapist and author Dolores Cannon.

In the QHHT® session I will be guiding you into the deepest state of trance, called the ‘theta’ brain wave state. Through visualisation I help you to ‘lift that veil of amnesia’ and take you to whatever your Subconscious loving chooses for you, which could be past/ future/ parallel expressions of your soul and spirit state. Then we will then connect with your Subconscious/ Inner Wise Self/ The Higher Self.

The Subconscious (SC) is also known as The Higher Self. That is the part of us that knows everything and completely loves and cares for us. The SC is eternally divine and always connected to Source / God/ light/ One-ness -whatever you resonate with. It is the kind of overarching awareness that transcends beyond time and space, infinitely connected with the Source at all times.

Our body and mind is able to heal itself if we don’t get in our own way, so we can begin to self-heal by finding answers to the causes underlying our struggles; which might link closely with your present life lessons or past energetic causes. So all the answers to your questions are accessed via the SC part of you, where all records and information about you can be found. Through QHHT® , you will discover what your Wise Self wants you to remember, hear the calling of your soul and the answers that reside deep within.

Prepare a list of questions you would like some guidance for such as Purpose, Family, Relationships, Spirituality, Work, Health, Curiosity ( e.g., Am I doing the career I am supposed to?, Why do I have this health condition? etc). We will discuss these questions as I get to know.

Refrain from consumption of alcohol, coffee, smoking or recreational drugs on the day of your session. We want to help you naturally enter into a wonderful state of deep relaxation.

Eat a meal so that it would sustain you for 4 hours but don’t over-eat.

I will record your session but feel free to bring your recording device. Listening to your recording by yourself the first time is advised so you can integrate all the information heard and experiences, and then feel free to share it with others. Listening to your recording is a very important step to continue your self healing.

Wear comfortable clothes.

Trust and allow: Come with an open heart and mind and understand whatever you experience in your unique session will be perfect for you.Trust in yourself and the divine to guide you on this journey.

Yes, you must be 18 years and above, be able to speak English and you must not have the diagnosis of Schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder.

The technique does require some ability to visualise. Clients usually can combine a sense of inner knowing, visualising, hearing, sensing – whatever they find most comfortable to use, to allow the process to unfold during the session.

It is not absolutely essential you must believe in concepts such as past lives, but having an open mind to accessing past memories and expressions of yourself that your Higher Self guides you to see is key. QHHT assists anyone who is interested in understanding their life more deeply.

While I compassionately understand you may like to bring someone you trust to be with you during your session, it is essential that you have complete privacy. This is because you may not feel comfortable to share things with me at a level/depth that would optimise our session, in the presence of someone else, even if they are a loved one. It is critical that you share with me all that you want, in a safe & confidential sacred space.

We need to allow at least 3-4 hours of uninterrupted time:

  • 2 hours – Open conversation & looking at your questions.
  • 2 hours maximum – Hypnosis Induction, regression to different divine expressions of your soul (Past, Present, Parallel lives), engaging with your SC/Higher self, and Healing
  • 20 to 30min. Orient back to present, debrief.

All of the QHHT® steps , process have been divinely guided and designed to maximise self-healing.

In my experience, most clients vary between being totally aware to not remembering much. It is almost like when you wake up from a dream and that dream will also gradually fade. This is also another reason why I provide you with a recording so you can re-fresh that ‘dream’.

Most people will experience more and more insight and understanding when they listen to the recording again. The messages within contain a unique personal healing experience for you. It is imperative to understand that healing occurs in all states of awareness.

More often than not, healing will continue to occur for you over time as if putting together all the puzzle pieces as a metaphor that one of my colleague uses.

After the session, some may feel as though they had imagined it, but it is recommended that you don’t let your analytical mind hi-jack the experience and all the information you received. Instead, it is important to become mindful of your own experiences, synchronicities, and the difference you feel afterward as you allow the transformation to unfold because you have now more than ever an intimate connection to your inner wisdom that can guide you towards your greatest good and purpose.

It is important to also understand that the effects of QHHT® are as real as the things in your life that you have 100% trust in that are true to you that may not be observable. Things such as the deep connection you feel for a loved one, inner sense of knowing, or the universe sending you signs.

Even in recent science has proven that the universe is actually 99.99999999999 percent energy so that absolutely all matter is just materialized energy and all begins with light…and love, and it is this energy that will manifest in your QHHT® healing if you allow it.

QHHT® has been designed to heal in a holistic way, embracing the body, mind, soul; and to bring you a sense of greater clarity and insight across every aspect of your wellbeing.

QHHT® is a journey that enhances your spiritual connection and heart-centered awareness and strengthens an ongoing process of awakening after the session. But it does not dissolve your responsibility for your own life, as you always have free will whether to embrace and activate the insight and the healing.

While QHHT® is an amazing catalyst to renew and refresh your perspectives and to reconnect with what truly matters to in your heart, it is important to recognize some massive changes that may need time and divine processing.

When you listen to your recording you can integrate even more insight & healing; however, it is still up to your whether you want to build and activate upon your experience.

Once the Subconscious (SC) has been contacted during a QHHT® session, the QHHT® Practitioner asks it to identify and explain the cause behind any problem and then asks the SC if it is permissible and possible to heal the condition. If the SC agrees, healing is immediate, without discomfort, medication or surgery. In many cases, once the SC reveals the source of the ailment or psychological problem, a release occurs in the subject’s body and mind, and the patient is freed from their condition.

In all cases, before healing can occur, an individual must want to be cured. The healing also cannot interfere with the lessons of their present life or the contracts they made before incarnating. Our souls are eternal and we come to Earth to grow and learn lessons through individual experiences. An example of a conflict in healing could be the Subconscious not agreeing to restore the sight of a blind person if that was one of the lessons they agreed to learn before incarnating in their present life.

The Subconscious also adheres to a literal approach regarding healing. If a subject is experiencing a condition that is the result of abuse or lack of care for their body, and the person has taken no action to correct this and has no desire to change, the Subconscious is aware. Its logic will dictate that there is no point in healing the condition if the subject is just going to resume abusing the body once it is healed.

Following are examples of the extraordinary results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced with clients and subjects during their sessions:

  • Cancer – various types at various stages cleared
  • Cartilage – reconstruction between joints
  • HIV – cleared and eradicated
  • Heart – healed with no surgery required
  • Liver – fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Kidney – fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Wounds – regeneration with no scarring
  • Migraines – root causes explained and removed
  • Vision – 20/20 eyesight restored with no need for corrective vision
  • Diabetes – causes explained and cleared
  • Intestines – conditions cleared
  • Back – middle and lower area problems cleared
  • Neck/Shoulder – pain identified and causes cleared
  • Lungs – problems identified and cleared
  • Skin – problems identified and cleared

Although you will normally notice deep transformations after one session, you may want to experience more sessions in the future as your questions and circumstances change or depending on your curiosity, life stage, or attachment to certain beliefs.

It is good to note that for some, it is beneficial to only take in small increments of self-healing or answers at a time, so it does not overwhelm and to allow the healing process to unfold in divine timing.

Immediately after your session, we’ll have our debriefing to discuss whatever experience, learning, or healing you felt or want to share.

I recommend you listen to your recording at home on your own first before sharing with whom you wish.

You may feel as if you are ‘floating’ because you have in some sense “time traveled” so I suggest all clients eat something after your session to ground themselves and go to bed at the same time as usual.

Within 48 hours of the session & when appropriate you will receive an email from me with your recording.

As a Mindfulness Coach and Behaviour Analyst, I can help in many areas that you may need further guidance for.

You’re welcome to stay connected, give feedback.

Dolores Cannon always said that anyone can be hypnotized but only if they want to be. 90% of what happens during your session is up to you.

Everyone passes through the ‘theta’ brain wave state twice a day- so it is this natural state that you access.

All hypnosis is essentially self-hypnosis. So ask yourself if you are willing to show up on this Quantum Healing journey?

Feel free to connect with me via my website, send an email.

Reading up all you can about QHHT can just create more confusion and overwhelm from information overload & overthinking.

So, remember that we are all unique and no amount of information will 100% predict what you will experience in divine process and time.

Tips to have a great Session